Your Link to Self Discovery

The ADVanced Insights Profile holistically combines the best of three world-class profiles.

The Attribute Index measures how you think and make decisions

The Values Index measures your motivational style and drivers

The DISC Index measures your preferred behavioral style

Together they answer the questions WHAT, WHY and HOW:

This level of self-awareness and discovery are the core to achieving peak performance in any role or endeavor, to ensure that you properly align what you do best with how you do it and why you are driven to do so.

The Advanced Insights profiles are the most accurate and extensive business profile predictors on the planet. These assessments can only be presented and interpreted by a Certified Consultant.   If you would like a link to the profile and a 2 hour coaching and feedback session, Please contact

What Clients say : 

 "It’s no secret that oil and water don’t mix. That said, a car needs oil and water to operate efficiently. When individuals are unable to lead together, those underneath suffer.

I was introduced to Shana at a very pivotal moment. Shana’s ability to use modern tools to psychoanalyze the characteristics of managers and leaders provided insights I never considered. Yet, when paired with her expertise and candor, we were able to analyze, trait by trait, how to effectively manage alongside other management styles with success.

But most of all, her coaching during our journey allowed me to leverage unknown strengths and highlight weaknesses I’ve never considered. And that’s when you realize that you weren’t actually talking about just your career the entire time. You were working on you. I thank Shana for the inner peace I found during a highly stressful time in my career.

I recommend Shana to any leader looking to humanize their personal growth and those they surround. I look forward to round two shortly."

Jamie Aquila,  Technologist. Designer. Architect.